Road opener magick is a concept that comes from conjure traditions, though it has analogs in several other traditions as well. In fact, roads themselves have often been seen as sacred, and there are several deities that are dedicated to roads and pathways. (Elen of the Ways, Hekate, Ganesh, etc.) Roads are not only our…
Tag: magick
Witchifying Your Work
I have to take a moment to be honest right now. I’m lucky in this regard because I work from home. In fact, I’m writing this in between work tasks. Don’t tell my managers! But I’m sitting here at my desk, with a Pumpkin Bonfire candle going, surrounded by charm bags, stones and crystals, incense,…
Gratitude and Your Spiritual Path
“Thank you” is one of the most powerful spells we can utter. It not only sets up a resonance of simple gratitude, but also the recognition that we are all intertwined, and we can only get by by receiving help. This can be help from other people, help from institutions, help from deity, help from…
Money Magick
There are several different terms to use when working with this sort of magick. Abundance means that more than enough of whatever you need or want comes to you. This can be tricky, as I’ve worked spells asking for abundance and gotten an abundance of cats or weekend plans. Nice, but not exactly what I…
A Blessing for your Technology
I was just fortunate enough to have my husbear build me a new computer. My laptop wasn’t doing what I needed it to do for work (I had 12GB RAM and was trying to run a LOT of browser tabs). Fortunately, I had some extra money and was able to afford a new machine. Isn’t…
Sleep and Dream Magick
If we have a healthy sleep schedule, we spend around a third of our lives asleep. And if we’re lucky, we have some great dreams. It’s no wonder we’re fascinated with sleep and the inner worlds our minds reveal to us there. We can explore our fears, desires, and some generally weird shit in our…
Fiber Crafts and The Craft
Around September or October, I start getting the urge to work on fiber crafts. And it’s no wonder. In an agrarian society, there’s not a lot to do after the harvest and preservation is all done. The nights get longer, and we tend to go within and think more about quiet, peaceful activities after the…
Beauty and Self-Love Magick
This is a topic that I have a little difficulty with. It’s been years since I felt like I was traditionally ‘beautiful’. And for whatever reason, I don’t make time for self-love work. I’m a typical Capricorn and tend to be very accomplishment-focused (hello NaBloWriMo!), so beauty and self-love take a back seat. But really,…
Creativity Magick
Creativity is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart. When I don’t have time or energy to take on creative projects, I get really grouchy and unpleasant to be around. So I try to make time to feed my creative spirit as often as possible. There are a lot of little things…
Orchid Magick
Orchids are named after the Greek word Orchis, meaning testicles. That’s because the bulb is twinned and resembles, well, testicles. As such, it’s been known as a potent love and potency charm throughout the ages. The Romans thought it grew where satyrs copulated. Huzzah! Orchid is associated with Venus, which should come as no suprise…
October New Moon- Toad
In my last post, I mentioned that I was going to start using bibliomancy to choose a symbol for each lunation during each new moon. My first pick for this first month was toad. You have NO IDEA how perfect this is. When I first meditated on my spirit animal, lo these many years ago,…
The Future of This Website
When I first started this blog, I was filled with ideas of things I wanted to write about. And over the years, I have. I’ve tried to write about magick and Paganism, tarot and my life. But lately, I feel like I’ve just dried up. I’ve been writing the Magickal Month posts, and that’s been…
Magickal Month- August 2020
August is here, and we know that the hottest part of the Summer is almost over. If you look around, the bright greens of May and June have turned into a darker, more sun-baked green, and the fields are turning gold. It’s time to celebrate grain, corn, and all those yummy Summer vegetables! We had…
Where has all the magick gone?
I don’t think I’m saying anything too surprising if I point out that spirituality waxes and wanes with the tides of our lives. Sometimes it can be difficult to grasp that ethereal connection to the nebulous that sustains us at other times. That’s about where I’m at right now. I’m still surrounded by all the…
Magickal Month- June
June is the sixth month of the year in the Julian and Gregorian calenders. It was named after Juno, the Roman mother goddess, wife of Jupiter, analogous to Greek Hera. While Summer doesn’t officially start until June 21st on the Summer solstice, the weather is already fully hot and humid. Here, we’ve had rain for…
Magickal Month- May
May was named after the Greek Maia, mother of Hermes, and oldest of the Pleiades. In Greece, she was primarily known as a mother archetype, but in the Roman version, she became connected with several other goddesses, including Bona Dea (Good Goddess), Terra (earth), Fauna (prophetic goddess of the woodlands), Magna Mater (Cybele), Ops (an…
Choosing Inanna
So anyone who knows me knows that Husbear and I have had a significant number of challenges over the last few years. It’s OK, I honestly believe that these challenges were put here for us to learn from so we can evolve. I have to believe that, or I’d just be really damn hopeless all…
Poem- Hedge
Hedge Motley creatures, captive creeping Totem spirits on display Bright birds caged, flitting chirping Augury in flight, come what may Forest beasts, tracking sneaking Cavorting with the fae Ocean life, teeming brimming Primordial mother at play Mineral kingdom, waiting healing Veins of the earth, ancient ley Herbal helpers, growing thriving Healing the witch every…
Pagan Blog Project Week 41- Undines
Undines are one type of four elemental spirits in alchemy, and they represent the element of water. Their counterparts are salamanders (fire), sylphs (air), and gnomes (earth). They were first discussed in relation to alchemy by Paracelsus in the 15th century, but were later found represented in art and literature as a later representation of…
Pagan Blog Project Week 39- Trixie (Willowisp characters)
Trixie. Oh how I love Trixie. In many ways, Trixie has been kind of an ideal for me, someone I would have enjoyed finding for Bear and I. Now, I’m less interested in submissive partners, but still… Why does this fit in with the Pagan Blog Project? Well, because Willowisp is a Pagan town, plunked…
Happy Mabon! (a quickie)
I really love all the sabbats for various reasons. Imbolc is kind of my ‘going within’ time, where I spend time huddled up next to a fire, reading or knitting or something similar. Samhain is fabulous, and you can’t be Pagan and dislike Samhain. It’s just not possible. Even Litha, though I don’t like Summer,…
Spirit Branch pt 2
So we dug through my ribbons, yarns, and beads, created something that was meaningful to each of us, and said a few words as we tied our first offerings on. Then I lit a candle and some kyphi to enhance the atmosphere for some meditating I want to do later. The spirit branch is sparse,…
Spirit Branch
So, I was supposed to be super productive today. I was going to finish my Full Moon Offering incense, write about my 5th patron deity, maybe write a bit more about my complicated relationship with Inanna, clean my side of the room, bathe the doggies, maybe even collect some cherry blossoms. It didn’t work out…
My patron deities- Inanna (Fire)
The Backstory Inanna came to me at a very pivotal time in my life. My partner of 7 years had just dumped me to go live with her new girlfriend the next state over, and my world was turned upside down. We had experienced lesbian bed death about 3 years in, and my self esteem…
My patron deities- Sarasvati (Air)
Creativity can be a double-edged sword. On one side, dreaming up and making beautiful things is wonderful, right? Whether you dream in poetry, write your truth, sing the song of your people, or bring a vision to life, you’re tapping into a process as old as humanity, and perhaps older. However, what happens when you’re…
My patron deities- Lakshmi (Earth)
Lakshmi came to me at the same time that her sister, Sarasvati, did. She is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, luck, and family. To me, she has always been the Queen of Pentacles, and all the groundedness and abundance that embodies. She’s often portrayed seated or standing in a lotus, hovering over a river which…
Concocting- What to do when your sources disagree?
Meanwhile, over on Ravenson Reagents…
My patron deities- Yemaya (water)
I’ve been thinking a lot about writing about my patron deities. I have a few, you see. 5 to be exact. Actually, 6, but one is a special case, and I’ll talk about him last. They’ve all revealed themselves to me at different times, and I intend to talk about them in that order. My…
Energy Redirection
I’ve been going through a bit of a crisis lately. The fibro has pretty much changed the way I look at everything. It made me reexamine how I spend my energy, who I give it to, and what actually feeds me energy back. I’ve spent the last 2 years getting more weak, feeling less ME….