May was named after the Greek Maia, mother of Hermes, and oldest of the Pleiades. In Greece, she was primarily known as a mother archetype, but in the Roman version, she became connected with several other goddesses, including Bona Dea (Good Goddess), Terra (earth), Fauna (prophetic goddess of the woodlands), Magna Mater (Cybele), Ops (an earth and fertility Goddess), and Juno (analogous to Hera). So from this, we can infer that May is connected with fertility, motherhood, the earth, and all things feminine.
Here in Georgia, the weather is still cooler than it usually is this time of year. We’ve had an actual Spring, which I don’t remember having for the past few years. The weather will normally ramp way up into the mid 80s at least this month, but April was so cool, I’m curious to see what actually happens.
A few weeks after we hit our owl friend, we hit a bat a few hundred yards farther along the road. I had felt deeply that the owl was a messenger, meant to tell me to stay on the lookout for messages from deity, but when I hit the bat, I was a bit exasperated. I had trouble figuring out what the message was, and I spiralled down a bit. But when I hit on the notion that bats are sacred to Persephone, I realized that the bat was symbolic of transition. And holy shit, did the transition start happening. The Gods aren’t always gentle.

So in that vein, I’ve started a new project called Project: Persephone365. I’m going to try and make a small change every day for a full year. This should lead to a BIG change in the Amie you see a year from now, and all changes will be geared towards making me the best version of myself. Find the Facebook group HERE if you’d like to follow along.
The sumac is getting ready to flower, and I always get excited to see all the bees gather around the flowers for the 3 or 4 days that they’re open. We also have a ton of honeysuckle around our house, and this year I want to gather and dry some for incense. It’s good to burn for prosperity of all kinds.
What are you noticing around your area this time of year?
New Moon May 15th, 7:47am (EST) in Taurus
Full Moon May 29th, 10:19am (EST) in Sagittarius (Rose or Berry moon)
Eta Aquariids meteor shower peaks May 4th- 5th.
Celtic Tree Month:
Willow (April 15th- May 12th): Resonance and harmony, creativity, fertility, feminine rights of passage, inspiration, love, love divination, sleep with a willow wand for vivid dreams, protection for underworld journeying, found near water, spring cleaning physically/mentally/emotionally/spiritually, letting go of the past.
Hawthorn (May 13th- June 9th); Matters of the heart, love, empowering relationships, fertility, union of male and female (Beltane), intimacy, passion, triple goddess, purification, cleanses the heart of negativity, under protection of faerie realm, guards wells and springs, happiness.
Holidays (mundane):
Holidays (Pagan):
May 1st: Beltane!
May 1- May 2: Mounikhia- festival honoring Artemis as the moon
May 5: National Day of Prayer- a day to pray, honoring religious freedom and expression, and separation of religion and state
May 15- May 16: Thargelion Noumenia- honoring all Greek gods and goddesses
May 18: Festival of Greek god Pan- men honored their masculinity and transitions in their lives and male fertility
May 18- May 19: Festival to honor Aphrodite and Eros- celebration of love and romance
May 19: Festival honoring Brigid where wells were dressed, decorated, and offerings were made to the wells and springs
May 20- May 22: Thargelia- honored Artemis and Apollo, a festival of purification
Themes for the month: Celebration, joy, tending the plants we planted earlier this Spring, flowers, ‘adult activities’, spending time outside.
General activities for the month: BELTANE!, gathering flowers, decorating, beauty magick, love magick, celebrating growth, hiking, camping, music and revelry.
Herbs I’m using: Tea for energizing (and also delicious iced tea), sumac (I love the tart flavor, and I’m using it in almost every dish- it’s very refreshing!), and ylang ylang essential oil to soothe me during this transition. My fibro manifests as chest pain a lot, so I use this over my heart chakra to help heal that.
Stones I’m using: Labradorite is a big one for me right now, as I’m going through huge changes, and it always helps facilitate necessary change, and support me during change I wouldn’t have chosen. I’m also deepening my study of the triple Goddess right now, so I’m using labradorite for the crone aspect, garnet for the mother, and moonstone for the maiden. Also, bloodstone for grounding, protection, and clearing the mind to help with adapting to change.
Goddess of the Month: Persephone. She’s the graceful goddess of transition, who walks regularly through the light and the dark, with one foot in each. Working with her is really helping me through some huge transitions in my home life right now. And the bat is sacred to her. So hitting the bat helped me onto this path, and I’m horrified and grateful at the same time.

This month’s reading couldn’t be any more clear. I do try to pull these cards for everyone who reads these posts, but they often end up being about me and my situation. Hopefully this resonates for others, though!
First, we have The Queen of Swords reversed. The message is clear. Stop overthinking. Stop living in your head. You’re tormenting yourself trying to consider all the angles, plan, strategize, etc. Let it go. Have some trust that you’ve thought through all the angles, and it’s time to shut your brain off.
Next, we have Temperance. It’s time to find balance. What’s out of whack in our lives? (In my case, the Queen of Swords reversed- or overthinking and anxiety- has been a big source of imbalance.) Where can you put more energy to find peace and a calm equilibrium? As for me, I need to go spend some time outside, having some fun and celebrating Beltane. I need to get out of my head and into my body, into nature, into meditation. I need to have more trust in the universe to take care of me instead of feeling like I have to fight every battle tooth and nail.
Finally, we see the Queen of Wands. So let’s balance the energies of that Queen of Swords reversed with the energy of passion! Let’s find what it is that lights us up, that makes us come alive, and follow that. Don’t think, just do. Find ways to take steps and make your dreams a reality. I love this reading!
The special guidance card is Follow the Moon, and I think that works really well here. Instead of trying to work everything out analytically and intellectually, maybe it’s best to follow the natural tides of the waxing and waning moon. It’s a great time to stop listening to the chattering of our inner voice, and listen to the quieter voice of our intuition. Good things can happen when we stop and pay attention to what’s really going around us instead of constantly worrying over the future. Feel the more subtle energies of water- emotions, spirituality, and our psychic senses- and let them help you find your way.
By Emily Dickenson
Pink, small, and punctual,
Aromatic, low,
Covert in April,
Candid in May,
Dear to the moss,
Known by the knoll,
Next to the robin
In every human soul.
Bold little beauty,
Bedecked with thee,
Nature forswears
My personal tides: I’ve been barely holding onto the little bit of security I’ve been able to carve out during this lifetime, and that security is coming to an end. Instead of panicking and feeling defeated, I’m feeling incredibly, incredibly free. I get to rebirth myself, start over fresh, and build my future security on a firmer, more sustainable basis with my lovely Husbear. I’m so excited I can barely sleep these days. The bat omen was definitely right.
I first need to shed my old skin, and that means getting rid of at least 1/2 of what I own (or what OWNS ME, as my stepfather would have said). I need to get rid of old attitudes and blockages, and unhealthy attachments. It’s exhilarating, and though my new skin is a bit tender and raw, I feel like I can breathe and grow now. <3
I just keep reminding myself that The Goddess wants me to be happy and prosperous so that I can serve the highest good.
My personal goals: GET RID OF STUFF! Also, by selling some stuff, I’ll be able to buy myself a computer that doesn’t crash every 5 minutes, and really focus in on my tarot classes. I’ll be getting a better camera, better editing software, and it will all amount to a better quality of videos, pdfs, and mp3s for my classes. I just need to get through the getting rid of stuff first so I can ATTACK it! 😀
I also want to support and grow the Project: Persephone365 group and create a family of like-minded people who want to do good things in their lives! <3
What are your personal tides and goals for May?
Blessed be! <3