Amie Ravenson lives in a suburb of Atlanta with her husbear, a black cuddle floof named Baron Samedi, an orange menace named Brother Osiris Dirtbike, a feral gutter cat named Minerva Fortuna (or lil’ Nerb Nerb), the sweetest cuddler named Lilith, and a cuddly, grey weirdo named Guillermo. She makes no apologies for writing her protagonist as herself, just with better hair and in a more interesting setting.
When not writing, Amie loves traveling backroads, photographing cemeteries and ruins, and traveling whenever possible. There’s always something new to see! She also produces the Bewitching Your Day podcast, lots of YouTube videos, offers tarot readings, reads obsessively, collects minerals, cooks comfort food, draws, and finds various other creative projects to obsess over as well.
You can find her at Dragon*Con every single year!
Find Amie on Facebook at
You have an interesting blog here, continue the good work.
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