I’ve recently begun working with Elen of the Ways, and have been building an altar for her. There are a lot of components to the altar, including an image that I ordered from FreeRangeFaeries on Etsy, various stones, a dedicated candle, a pinecone I found in the middle of the road in Florida, and some…
Tag: recipe
Agrimony, Sleep, and Protection
There are conflicting reports of the best use of agrimony in sleep and dream magick. Some say that it will lull you into a deep, dreamless sleep. And some use it in dream pillows to induce prophetic dreaming. What’s the truth? I’ll let you know as soon as I know. I’ll be making dream pillows…
Hyssop and Purification
There are many herbs that can be used for the purposes of purification. But if you practice a European tradition of Paganism, then hyssop is the purification herb for you. This is a great alternative to white sage, which is part of a closed Native American practice, and is being used almost to the point…
Essential Oil Blend to Support Heart Health
Disclaimer first: This is NO SUBSTITUTE for visiting your doctor. But if you are under a doctor’s care, and want a magickal way to compliment that, this is a good blend to use. In a base of grapeseed oil, blend: 30 drops of ylang ylang oil (useful for the heart chakra and anything in that…
Solitary New Moon Tea and Ritual
The new moon is a time to go within and reflect. This is the start of a new moon cycle where we can begin again, set our intentions, and deal with any inner work that needs to be done. So the energies of this moon are rest, reflection, going deep within, and deciding on our…
Bewitching the Moon- April 11, 2017- 100th video giveaway, prosperity incense and mojo bag
Prosperity Incense 3 parts benzoin (attraction, communication) 1 part barley (harvest) 1 part pine needles (earth connection) 3 parts cinnamon (money, spirituality, psychic powers) 2 parts allspice (attract money and luck) 1 part cardamom (fire and passion) 2 parts cloves (drive away negativity and attract money) 1 part nutmeg (good luck and money) 1 part…
Ostara- Renewal, rebirth, rejuvenation
Ostara has always been a favorite sabbat of mine. The first ritual I ever put together and performed was on Ostara. I was enamoured. I felt the new life of Spring coursing through my body, I felt the sacredness of the change of seasons, I felt the magick of the Goddess in her transformation. I…
Pagan Blog Project Week 25- Muscadine Wine
As Pagans, we tend to be a little more aware of the cycles of nature and the turning of the seasons. As a home beer/winemaker, this is especially evident in the cycle of fruits that are available for winemaking each Spring, Summer, and Fall. However, in the South, there is no wine fruit so revered…
Glogg recipe
This is something I’ve made for years and years. Be careful drinking it! It will hit you like a sledgehammer. A delicious, Swedish, Yuletide sledgehammer. Glogg Heat one bottle dry red wine with one sliced orange, 3/4 cups raisins, 1/2 cup blanched almonds, 6 cardamom pods, 5 cloves, and a cinnamon stick. (spices should be…