Creativity Magick

Creativity is a topic that’s very near and dear to my heart. When I don’t have time or energy to take on creative projects, I get really grouchy and unpleasant to be around. So I try to make time to feed my creative spirit as often as possible. There are a lot of little things…

Where has all the magick gone?

I don’t think I’m saying anything too surprising if I point out that spirituality waxes and wanes with the tides of our lives. Sometimes it can be difficult to grasp that ethereal connection to the nebulous that sustains us at other times. That’s about where I’m at right now. I’m still surrounded by all the…

Magickal Month- July 2019

July was named after Julius Caesar, as it was his birth month. Previously, it was known as Quintilus because it was the 5th month of the old calendar. It became the 7th month when January and February were added to the beginning of the calendar, and a year became 12 months long. If you didn’t…

Magickal Month- November

So this is a thing I want to start doing from now on.  For each month, I’m going to talk a little about the tides of the month, the lunar and astrological dates, stones and herbs I’m especially drawn to, and do a 3 card reading for the month.  At the bottom, I’ll talk about…

NaNoWriMo update and some thoughts on friendship (a bunch of lists)

So this is the time in November where I realize how incredibly far behind I am on NaNo. In the past few years, I’ve just stopped here. That’s because there was usually someone in the hospital, or dying, or recently passed, and November is just kind of a shit month all around and writing 50,000…

Poem- Sarasvati

Essence of self knowledge Lovely pale, mother of rivers Source of musical inspiration Eloquence as a path to bliss Sweet words fall from her lips Sweet notes float from Her nimble fingers upon her lute Knowledge that purifies is her gift Meditation, reflection, and spirituality Brings us to the joy of creativity In her name,…

Poem- Throwaway Day

Throwaway Day Limbs heavy and sore, eyelids drooping. But I keep thinking about symmetry in art, And in nature, and in the heart. Soma (350mg) keeps me from the worst of it. It also keeps me dull, weak. So I feel every cold breeze as pain, Every move an assault. My mind creates all the…

Tarot- February 21st, 2016

This is yet another reading that really speaks to me personally,  though I asked what the week held for anyone who reads this.   As it’s mostly my husbear and I reading these posts so far,  I suppose that makes sense.   :0) This is my favorite deck,  and the one I use for my…

Wanted: Pagan writing group

So I’ve been rounding out 2015 by going through my Create Your Shining Year workbooks, and I’ve been following some groups on Facebook that are doing the same.   Already, I’ve joined two spinoff groups, one for tarot and one for writing.  I wish I was finding what I needed with the writing group, but…

Camp NaNO

Nope.  It doesn’t look like I’m going to make it for this Camp NaNoWriMo session either, unless I can somehow pull off 9000 words in the last three days.  I’m at peace about it, however, because I have written 16,000 new words.  And honestly, for a month’s worth of work, I don’t feel like that’s…

Tarot reading for M

I normally wouldn’t have posted this here, but I wasn’t sure where else I could add the picture and the descriptions of the cards.  So M, this one is for you.  🙂 ************************ M is a Pisces, and a fellow writer.  We met through Camp NaNo, and found that we had a lot in common….

My Writing Life 3/27/2015

So this week I came up with a ridiculous little game to play with myself. I decided, for motivation and accountability’s sake to start ‘clocking in’ when I write or edit. I commit to a certain number of hours per week of writing, and a certain number of hours of editing, and I’ve been using…

Pagan Blog Project Week 36- Regrouping and Redirecting my energy

I have a small problem with losing focus now and again. I get excited about new projects, and forget everything that I was already working on. I need something new and shiny to pique my interest, or I need to find a way to refresh my enthusiasm for projects already in progress. Dragon*Con is great…

Pagan Blog Project Week 27- NaNoWriMo

Specifically, Camp NaNoWriMo. This is the reason that I’m getting some words on the page right now. In fact, NaNo is the MAIN reason I’ve managed to write anything at all. There’s something seductive in a deadline. Something inspiring about seeing your stats everyday. Something about the good-natured competition that makes me actually accomplish my…

My patron deities- Sarasvati (Air)

Creativity can be a double-edged sword. On one side, dreaming up and making beautiful things is wonderful, right? Whether you dream in poetry, write your truth, sing the song of your people, or bring a vision to life, you’re tapping into a process as old as humanity, and perhaps older. However, what happens when you’re…

Writing Rituals and NaNoWriMo update

NaNoWriMo is going pretty well so far. As of right now, I’m about 3500 words behind on my goal word count for today, but that can be easily made up. Also, I’m going to use this blog post as part of my word count. That may not be strictly legal, but I’m writing and being…