Specifically, Camp NaNoWriMo. This is the reason that I’m getting some words on the page right now. In fact, NaNo is the MAIN reason I’ve managed to write anything at all.
There’s something seductive in a deadline. Something inspiring about seeing your stats everyday. Something about the good-natured competition that makes me actually accomplish my goals.
I’m going easy on myself this time. For Camp NaNo, as opposed to NaNoWriMo in November, you can set your own word goal. I’ve set mine at 31,000 words, or 1,000 per day. I’m also trying to find time to record Bewitching Your Day, as well as look for work, and I didn’t want any goal to prohibit me from reaching any of the others.
Another fun thing about Camp NaNo vs. Full NaNo is that you’re assigned to ‘cabins’ with up to a dozen other participants. You can choose criteria, like being assigned with people who write in the same genre or are about the same age. My cabin this year kicks ass, and there are people there that I would want to talk to regardless of whether we had NaNo in common or not.
So what am I writing about? I’m writing the second book in my Altars Series. This is the further adventures of Vine Blackwell, who moved back to her ancestral home in a quiet little town in Georgia, only to discover that not only was the town filled with magick and wacky Pagan folk, but that she has a birthright to claim there as well.
Now she finds herself trying to keep her poly triad together while taking on a new magickal calling and being harassed by nature spirits and a very unfriendly secret society of lore-keepers.
I’m hoping to have the first edits of the first novel done by Dragon*Con this year, and then pick this one back up in October and for full NaNoWriMo in November. Then I’ll probably continue writing some short stories about the characters. I’ve finished a few, but there are a lot more stories in Willowisp than just Vine’s.
Wish me luck! And feel free to throw some coffee or candy my way. They’re the best writing fuel. 🙂