Season of The Witch Movies- The Witching review

The Witching (on Amazon Prime) This movie starts with 4 paranormal podcasters camping in the middle of Woodland Valley Forest (home of the Woodland Valley Witch), where they’re uploading videos, tweeting, etc.  So apparently, these super-haunted, deep, dark woods are next to a Walmart or something with WiFi.  Scaaarrryyyy… They start telling stories by the…

My tarot decks for Autumn

I love seasonal things.  I love watching the passing of time, and Autumn is such a beautiful time to celebrate the changing of the seasons and how that affects us.  I’m also a little obsessed with having the right things to use for the right occasions.  Hence, my project to have a different tarot deck…

Season of The Witch Movies- War on Witches review

War on Witches (on Amazon Prime) This is basically a documentary on the witch hunts in Europe, specifically Britain. King James 1 can suck it.  I can’t help but see parallels between King James 1’s Britain and the paranoia and intolerance of Trump’s America.  A crazy person with conviction can seem charismatic to a populace…

Tarot Reading 101 class at DragonCon

First, to anyone who has been checking here for the presentation, I promise I will post it as soon as possible!  I left my charger for my computer there in the Paranormal track room, and the presentation is obviously on the computer I can’t power up.  Because dork.  But I’m hoping to get it back…

Autumntide Priorities

The days are getting shorter, there’s a nice breeze in the night air, and DragonCon marks the beginning of the end of Summer.  We have Mabon and Samhain to look forward to, which are my two favorite sabbats! While Autumn is usually seen as a time of going within, taking stock, and relaxing into Winter,…

Stones and Oils for Joy and Happiness

Happiness has been a little difficult to come by these days.  There’s so much violence in the world, whether it’s something as far-away and nebulous as foreign wars we don’t quite understand, or closer to home.  The events of Charlotteville, Va highlighted a depth and intensity of hate that a lot of us were barely…

Client Reading for Tulip- August 14, 2017- Eclipse spread

I’ll be offering 3 more of these readings before the solar eclipse on August 21st.  So you have a week to get yours here!  

Client reading for Squirrel August 3, 2017- Chakra Kundalini spread

Would you like to see what one of my client’s video readings looks like?  Take a gander.  (Posted with permission.) Take a look at my Etsy store to see what other readings I offer!  🙂    

Deck Interview- The Good Tarot

I LOVE Colette Baron-Reid’s oracle decks.  I mean, LOVE.  The Enchanted Map is my go to oracle, and it began giving me eerily accurate and insightful readings right out of the box.  Usually I spend some time absorbing the energy of a deck, but it came already packed full. So when my sister showed me…

Deck Interview- Raven’s Prophecy Tarot

I was so excited to finally get this deck.  I tried to order it twice about a year ago, but Amazon sent me The Revelations Tarot twice instead.  I already had Revelations.  It was frustrating.  So I finally gathered together enough money to buy this one again, and I’m excited to spend some time with…


Faith, for me, is a thing that’s just always been there.  From my first Pagan stirrings as a kid to my deepest, most fervent period of study and worship, it’s just been there.  Sometimes I count myself an Ostara/Yule Pagan, only really giving the minimum of effort, maybe a nod to the sabbats as they…