Orb Weaver Spider

See?  They’re showing up everywhere.  This one is right outside my back door.  No color filters were used, just vignette and a border.

Pagan Blog Project Week 39- Trixie (Willowisp characters)

Trixie.  Oh how I love Trixie.  In many ways, Trixie has been kind of an ideal for me, someone I would have enjoyed finding for Bear and I.  Now, I’m less interested in submissive partners, but still… Why does this fit in with the Pagan Blog Project?  Well, because Willowisp is a Pagan town, plunked…

Happy Mabon! (a quickie)

I really love all the sabbats for various reasons.  Imbolc is kind of my ‘going within’ time, where I spend time huddled up next to a fire, reading or knitting or something similar.  Samhain is fabulous, and you can’t be Pagan and dislike Samhain.  It’s just not possible.  Even Litha, though I don’t like Summer,…

Pagan Blog Project Week 38- Spider Symbolism

When a creature shows up in your life over and over, that can be for various reasons.  It can just be the time of year when they tend to hang out, and that’s certainly true of spiders in September here in the South.  But sometimes, if you see them even more than usual, it can…

Pagan Blog Project Week 32- Protection Stones and Herbs

So, I felt bad because I really wanted to do one week on protection and one week on purification for the Pagan Blog Project.   I would still like to do the same sort of post for purification, but that will be outside the scope of the Pagan Blog Project, as we’re moving on to Q…

Pagan Blog Project Week 29- Oudh

Oudh, also known as agarwood or aloeswood, is a rare and wonderful aromatic wood used in incense making. It originated in Assam, and then spread throughout Asia. The precious resin is created when the heart wood of the evergreen tree is infected with a very specific mold. Because of the very specific conditions in which…

Pagan Blog Project Week 28- Nag Champa

I like incense. I like incense a LOT. One of my favorite memories is my 13th birthday. It’s one that my father didn’t forget, which was miraculous. I had decided that I wanted nothing more in the world than a deck of tarot cards. I don’t even know how I knew about tarot cards at…

Pagan Blog Project Week 26- Mantra (and Mammaries)

My Goddess wants me to be happy. *crosses legs, straightens spine, begins breathing deeply and mindfully* My Goddess wants me to be happy.  My Goddess wants me to be happy. *begins tensing and releasing muscle groups, starting at head and moving downward* My Goddess wants me to be happy.  My Goddess wants me to be…

New podcast project and office reorganization

Sorry I’ve been quiet lately, I’ve been a little swept up in first edits on my novel, Altar of Change.  I’m nearly finished, and then I’ll be asking some friends to read through and hack it apart so I can make it stronger, better. While I’ve been editing, I’ve had another idea gestating in my…

Spirit branch offerings- April pink moon

We tied and crafted two new offerings for our spirit branch tonight. My offering was green and gold and used yarn, embroidery thread, aventurine beads, and a piece of jade tied to a turmeric root for healing.  I annointed it with some healing oil and lit a healing candle once it was attached to the…

Ostara feast menu

I was going to have better pics, but I used too much Veganaise on the potato salad, and Bear got creative with purple food coloring on the eggless frittata.  We’re still working on tweaking recipes for a book I’m working on called The Vegan Pagan.  🙂 Ostara Feast: * Baby spinach salad with strawberries, mushrooms,…

Spirit Branch pt 2

So we dug through my ribbons, yarns, and beads, created something that was meaningful to each of us, and said a few words as we tied our first offerings on.  Then I lit a candle and some kyphi to enhance the atmosphere for some meditating I want to do later.  The spirit branch is sparse,…

Spirit Branch

So, I was supposed to be super productive today.  I was going to finish my Full Moon Offering incense, write about my 5th patron deity, maybe write a bit more about my complicated relationship with Inanna, clean my side of the room, bathe the doggies, maybe even collect some cherry blossoms. It didn’t work out…

My patron deities- Inanna (Fire)

The Backstory Inanna came to me at a very pivotal time in my life.  My partner of 7 years had just dumped me to go live with her new girlfriend the next state over, and my world was turned upside down.  We had experienced lesbian bed death about 3 years in, and my self esteem…

My patron deities- Sarasvati (Air)

Creativity can be a double-edged sword. On one side, dreaming up and making beautiful things is wonderful, right? Whether you dream in poetry, write your truth, sing the song of your people, or bring a vision to life, you’re tapping into a process as old as humanity, and perhaps older. However, what happens when you’re…

My patron deities- Lakshmi (Earth)

Lakshmi came to me at the same time that her sister, Sarasvati, did.  She is the Hindu Goddess of wealth, luck, and family.  To me, she has always been the Queen of Pentacles, and all the groundedness and abundance that embodies. She’s often portrayed seated or standing in a lotus, hovering over a river which…

My patron deities- Yemaya (water)

I’ve been thinking a lot about writing about my patron deities.  I have a few, you see.  5 to be exact.  Actually, 6, but one is a special case, and I’ll talk about him last.  They’ve all revealed themselves to me at different times, and I intend to talk about them in that order. My…

Energy Redirection

I’ve been going through a bit of a crisis lately.   The fibro has pretty much changed the way I look at everything.  It made me reexamine how I spend my energy, who I give it to, and what actually feeds me energy back.  I’ve spent the last 2 years getting more weak, feeling less ME….

More bird omens and good coffee

This morning, when I was taking our roommate into work, I nearly ran into 4 huge crows in the middle of the road who were fighting over some poor dead critter.  I’ve always been a huge fan of the crow rhyme (have I listed it here?), and 4 is for birth.  So I’m wondering what…

More bird omens and good coffee

This morning, when I was taking our roommate into work, I nearly ran into 4 huge crows in the middle of the road who were fighting over some poor dead critter.  I’ve always been a huge fan of the crow rhyme (have I listed it here?), and 4 is for birth.  So I’m wondering what…

Glogg recipe

This is something I’ve made for years and years.  Be careful drinking it!  It will hit you like a sledgehammer.  A delicious, Swedish, Yuletide sledgehammer. Glogg Heat one bottle dry red wine with one sliced orange, 3/4 cups raisins, 1/2 cup blanched almonds, 6 cardamom pods, 5 cloves, and a cinnamon stick. (spices should be…

A year and a day

Reblogged from PaganVine.wordpress.com, which is where I put my REALLY woogie pagan stuff.  :0)   A year and a day.

Writing Rituals and NaNoWriMo update

NaNoWriMo is going pretty well so far. As of right now, I’m about 3500 words behind on my goal word count for today, but that can be easily made up. Also, I’m going to use this blog post as part of my word count. That may not be strictly legal, but I’m writing and being…

Finished Altar of Change- what’s next?

So I finally finished my novel about 2 weeks ago. I kept having to psych myself up to write a really tough scene, but when I sat down to write it, it wasn’t that difficult after all.  And I had planned to get to 125K words, but when I finished the tough scene, I realized…

Ways to be nicer to myself

Lately I’ve been feeling some pain.  I’m not sure exactly what it is, and I don’t have insurance so finding out will be tough.  I need to get to one of the community clinics here near home, but there are so many hoops to jump through, that the idea just stresses me out. And I…

Imbolc, Pando, and the Korean sauna

I haven’t been very active here or anywhere else lately.  You see, January is very tough for me.  In addition to the usual seasonal depression that I think we all feel around this time of year, I have a lot of birthday issues/family issues/bad memories from Januaries past that pretty much put me in a…

Yule and mistletoe

So, yeah.  We’re making a go of this incense thing.  I’ve been making incense for the sabbats anyways, and one of my favorite parts is gathering the ingredients.  For Samhain, we gathered fresh cypress needles from a cemetery.  They were LOVELY.  They really made the incense pop. For Yule, we began scanning the landscape for…