I usually don’t do book reviews on this blog, but when I read The She Book by Tanya Markul, I knew that I wanted to say something about it here. Not only is it a beautiful book of poetry, but it is a powerful tool for healing through pain and finding your own power and magick.
I’ve always felt like part of my life’s purpose is to help people find the magick in transition, particularly in those really difficult times in their lives. Things like divorce, financial crises, and the deaths of those we love can hit us so hard that they can knock us off our well-worn path and into unfamiliar territory. I’m convinced that this unfamiliar territory is filled with a rich source of magick that we can mine and bring into our lives if we know how. And this book provides a map to help find that magick.
It’s clear that Tanya Markul has suffered in life in a way that a lot of us couldn’t possibly understand. From this suffering, however, she has created a legacy of such beauty and hope that it made me tear up at points. Not because I was empathizing with her pain, but because I was filled with such a sharp sense of hope- the kind of hope that cuts away all of your preconceived notions about how life is SUPPOSED to be, and shows you greater possibilities than you ever thought possible. She repeats the lesson that though it can be difficult to transform, it’s so so worth it.
I highly recommend this book. Not just for women either. Though it is written with a deeply feminine point of view, I believe that people of other genders can access this same magick with a little openness. I also think that this would be helpful for a group of people to read together, so that they could discuss the poems and how they related to them.
This book would also be great for bibliomancy. Though the themes of the poems can be similar at times, I believe that you could definitely get something out of choosing a poem at random and mining the wisdom you find there.
I’m definitely looking forward to reading the next volume, The She Book v.2.
Let me know if you’ve read this collection of poetry and what you thought about it. I look forward to hearing from you. Blessed be! <3