The VVitch (free on Amazon Prime)
So I have to be honest. I saw this in the theater, and I fucking love this movie. It’s horror, but of a really different sub genre. It’s kind of survival horror, where the main concern through the movie is just basic survival- as in “Hey kids, the harvest didn’t come in, and we’re probably going to starve this Winter, damn the luck.”
It’s dark, and brooding, and kind of unrelenting in its atmosphere building. I love that.
Also, Black Phillip. Fuck yeah, I want to live deliciously! Show me the way magic black goat! <3
Takeaways: Pretty, menacing woods. Wrinkly bottom. Babies are kinda boring anyways. “I love thee marveous well.” You’ll shoot your eye out! DAMN those kids are brats. Spurs? Maybe I should work skyclad more. Do I do enough hair-flipping in ritual?
9 out of 10 broomsticks. I don’t know what could make this better, and feel like 10 would be OK, but maybe it goes just a tad slow in the middle.