Divination through Charm Casting

I have always, ALWAYS wanted to put together a set of charms for divination purposes. I’ve seen endless YouTube videos and they were all really inspiring. But I could never figure out how to get the exact charms that I wanted for my set without buying each charm individually at great expense. But recently, it…

Magickal Month- July

July is the 7th month of the year, named after Julius Caesar because it was his birth month. The ‘Dog Days of Summer’ begin in July as well. They’re associated with the star Sirius “The Dog Star”, which is rumored to bring drought, lethargy, madness, and bad luck with its return to the night sky….

New Year Ahead Tarot Reading!

This reading shows 12 cards, one for each month of the coming year.  The cards will show the pervasive energies for that month, including exciting events, pitfalls to avoid, or even just the theme for the month. This one is really great for people who like to plan their year ahead in late December or…

The Witches Reel

I have a confession.  I’m obsessed with this song.  I found it in the very earliest days of Napster, and have never been able to find the same version again, though all versions seem to be pretty good.  Here are a few.     I have to say that this last group looks like a…

Pagan Blog Project Week 32- Protection Stones and Herbs

So, I felt bad because I really wanted to do one week on protection and one week on purification for the Pagan Blog Project.   I would still like to do the same sort of post for purification, but that will be outside the scope of the Pagan Blog Project, as we’re moving on to Q…