
September is always a month of regrouping.  DragonCon tends to be a pivot in my year, the weekend that divides the buildup from the come down.  This year was no exception, especially with the added excitement and work of doing the Tarot 101 presentation.  When you combine that stress with the stress of Irma (and…

Tarot- March 27th, 2016

So today I went back to Witches Tarot by Ellen Dugan.  I really want to use this deck more, but it’s still new to me.  I like the art, and it seems to have a good feel to it.  This week’s reading, however, isn’t so great.  I’m not blaming the deck. In the past position,…

My Writing Life 3/13/2015

I was somewhat less productive overall this week, but it was for a good reason. I was feeding my brain. I found the wonder that is the Right-Brainers in Business 2015 Summit, and I’ve been listening to wonderful interviews with some really motivating, inspiring people. After attending a ‘webinar’ on finding readers, I was…

Another naNOwrimo.

I tried.  I really did.  I got to 17,451 words.  But I haven’t written in the past 7 days, and I just don’t see myself making it, even though I logically know I could just bust my ass and finish it. There are a few reasons (excuses). One, sitting in bed for long hours is…

Ways to be nicer to myself

Lately I’ve been feeling some pain.  I’m not sure exactly what it is, and I don’t have insurance so finding out will be tough.  I need to get to one of the community clinics here near home, but there are so many hoops to jump through, that the idea just stresses me out. And I…