Honey is sacred. It just is. Think about it… The sun shines down and the rains fall, the soil nurtures, and flowers result. So bees collect the pollen from the flowers, and create honey. Honey is just distilled sunlight. And you can see it in the color. A golden, viscous liquid that has an intense…
Tag: love
Bewitching Your Day 29- Hibiscus
Notes: Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs by Scott Cunningham Incense Magick by Carl F. Neal Llewellyn’s Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kynes Hibiscus on Wikipedia
200th post! 200 things I’m grateful for
Yeah, this post is just going to be long. Really, really long. Don’t feel compelled to try to read the whole thing just because I feel compelled to write it. :0) I’m going to use first names of friends, as I want to keep this relatively anonymous, but first initials would just get confusing. And…
Oracle- March 13th, 2016
So I’ve cycled through the majority of my tarot decks, excluding my Halloween Tarot by Karin Lee and Kipling West, which I’ll be using closer to that time, and my Motherpeace Tarot by Karen Vogel and Vicki Noble, which I always seem to forget I have. I took a moment to decide whether to use a…
Oracle- February 14th, 2016
Sorry this post is a little later in the day than I intended. It’s Valentine’s Day, which my husband and I take very seriously. We had a great day that started with adopting a new rat (a friend for our pet Stanley) from a friend. Then when we came home, Bear surprised…
Pagan Blog Project Week 24- Lust
Where has this been all this time? Oh right, it’s been located at http://paganblogproject.com/. For quite a while, actually. I just didn’t know to look for it. Pagan Blog Project is a weekly blog prompt, where you write on the topic (right now, it’s a new letter every week), and you share it on your blog…
Spirit Branch
So, I was supposed to be super productive today. I was going to finish my Full Moon Offering incense, write about my 5th patron deity, maybe write a bit more about my complicated relationship with Inanna, clean my side of the room, bathe the doggies, maybe even collect some cherry blossoms. It didn’t work out…
My patron deities- Inanna (Fire)
The Backstory Inanna came to me at a very pivotal time in my life. My partner of 7 years had just dumped me to go live with her new girlfriend the next state over, and my world was turned upside down. We had experienced lesbian bed death about 3 years in, and my self esteem…
Our poly is not like your poly
I’ve hinted at some of our dating activities in this blog before. Anyone who knows us well knows that Bear and I love each other like crazy. Anyone who knows us REALLY well knows that some of that love spills over onto other people on occasion. Polyamory, for those who haven’t heard the term, is…