This month’s theme is so incredibly appropriate for the Beltane season. The Hieros Gamos is the sacred marriage between The Goddess and the king of the land. The queen personified The Goddess, and chose her mate to rule beside her as her consort. That plays into the whole sexuality/fertility theme of Beltane so well! The…
Tag: April
April New Moon- Triangle
Throughout history, the triangle has represented the feminine principle while the square or the cross (both representing the number 4) has represented the male principle. You can see examples of the tri-fold nature of the Goddess in the Triple Goddesses of many cultures. There is also a connection between the Greek letter Delta (a triangle),…
Magickal Month- April 2020
April is upon us, and so is the pollen. Everything is covered with a thin coating of the yellow stuff, and if people weren’t scared enough of the Corona Virus, now we have these terrifying allergies to contend with. Seriously, every sniffle is suspect, even if we’ve had allergies for years. However, the grape hyacinths…
Magickal Month- April
April is such an exciting month! This time last month, we were seeing the first flowers and signs of new life, but now we’re seeing the real greening of the world. The forests are iridescent green, the azaleas, phlox, red buds, and cherry trees are coming in, and those first signs of life have become…
Magickal Month- April
There is some debate on the origin of the word April to describe the fourth month of the Julian calendar. There is evidence that supports the etymological connection to the word ‘aperire’ (meaning to open- as in opening the Spring season), and also a connection to Aphrilis (derived from Aphrodite, as her major festivals took…