Sleep and Dream Magick

If we have a healthy sleep schedule, we spend around a third of our lives asleep. And if we’re lucky, we have some great dreams. It’s no wonder we’re fascinated with sleep and the inner worlds our minds reveal to us there. We can explore our fears, desires, and some generally weird shit in our…

Agrimony, Sleep, and Protection

There are conflicting reports of the best use of agrimony in sleep and dream magick. Some say that it will lull you into a deep, dreamless sleep. And some use it in dream pillows to induce prophetic dreaming. What’s the truth? I’ll let you know as soon as I know. I’ll be making dream pillows…

Pagan Blog Project Week 38- Spider Symbolism

When a creature shows up in your life over and over, that can be for various reasons.  It can just be the time of year when they tend to hang out, and that’s certainly true of spiders in September here in the South.  But sometimes, if you see them even more than usual, it can…


Last night I dreamt of pregnancy. Over and over again. Obviously, this wasn’t a literal dream, as I had a hysterectomy almost 4 years ago. But pregnancy can also be interpreted symbolically to mean being on the verge of creating something new. It’s very creative and brings to mind producing or ‘giving birth’ to something…