Creating a Yule or Winter Solstice Altar

Yule is such a warm, festive time of year for most of us. And if we don’t enjoy Christmas for various reasons, Yule gives us a second chance to reinvent this Winter holiday for ourselves in a way that feeds our spirits through the Winter. The themes here are creating warmth as the weather gets…

Magickal Month- December 2019

It’s December, and we have a lot of new birds coming to our feeder. House wrens and chickadees will be wintering here, it seems, and so we’re making sure they have lots of fatty seeds to see them through the cold months. Husbear found a dove wing in our shed, however, where it had been…

Magickal Month-February

February is the last bit of cold before the Spring comes, and we’re naturally beginning to think about the growth season ahead. We’re feeling the stirrings of activity as the days are getting longer and sunnier, though there’s still a strong chance of Winter weather. We can’t help but get excited when the snow drops,…

Magickal Month- December

December is a month of extremes. There’s the cold and chill outside, and the warmth and comfort of our homes, our families, and our friends. There’s the stress and frustration of holiday shopping, finances, parties, etc., and there are the sweet, happy moments of seasonal joy. It can be incredibly difficult for a lot of…

Magickal Month- January

January was named after the Roman god Janus, who was known as the god of doorways, endings, and the new beginnings that follow. He had 2 heads, one looking to the past year, and one looking to the upcoming year, and so he’s perfect for this first year of the month when we’re looking forward…

My Tarot Decks for Winter

‘Tis the season for long nights, warm drinks, and going within. What could be more perfect for that then lovingly caressing the perfect tarot deck for this introspective time of year? As I mentioned in my post My Tarot Decks for Autumn, I’ve been using a different deck for each month. Celebrating the passage of…

Winter musings

So today I went to church for the first time in a very,  very long time.   The husbear was playing guitar for a choir started by some friends,  and it was great to see them all perform.   Everyone at the Methodist Church was incredibly sweet and welcoming,  and they were so appreciative of…

Winter is coming.

Trees and a weak winter sun. (I didn’t make these B&W, it wss just a very grey day and it worked out that way.)


Bear is doing a performance with the Atlanta Radio Theater Company tonight, and while they were rehearsing, I walked around and explored the area. …. I also saw 4 crows together again, and several hawks. 🙂