Magickal Month- March

The name March comes from the old Roman Martius, as March was originally dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture. As March brought better weather, people started to plan for things like battle and farming- hence Mars. It was originally the first month of the old Roman calendar, and several other cultures…

Magickal Month- January

January was named after the Roman god Janus, who was known as the god of doorways, endings, and the new beginnings that follow. He had 2 heads, one looking to the past year, and one looking to the upcoming year, and so he’s perfect for this first year of the month when we’re looking forward…

Magickal Month- December

The name of December came about from the Latin ‘decem’, meaning 10. It was originally the 10th month of the year in the old Latin calendar, but was made the 12th month when January and February were added. We’ve been confused ever since. December is a tricky month. For those who love the holidays, it’s…

Magickal Month- November

So this is a thing I want to start doing from now on.  For each month, I’m going to talk a little about the tides of the month, the lunar and astrological dates, stones and herbs I’m especially drawn to, and do a 3 card reading for the month.  At the bottom, I’ll talk about…