Why I Still (mostly) Believe in ‘An It Harm None’

I get it. Wicca just isn’t as popular as it was when I was coming up in the early 90s. And I totally get why. There are a lot of problematic things about Wicca, not least is the fact that it was essentially ‘created’ in as an evolution of ceremonial magick, but with a neo-Pagan…

New past life tarot reading

So if you saw my deck interview post for the Paradoxical Purple Trionfi della Luna deck a few weeks ago, you probably saw that these cards really wanted to talk about the past.  So I did a few test runs of a past life reading, and they resonated for the test subjects!  (Myself included.  These…

Pain and Tiwaz

Good news: I found my runes while looking through my old herb collection! Bad news:  All of my herbs are waaaayyy too old and stale to use for anything.  They all smell like dust. Good news: I found a great supplier who sells the herbs I need cheap on Ebay! Bad news: I spent my…