Deck Interview- The Light Seer’s Tarot

This deck is one of those rare cases where I wanted it, I had money, and I bought it. I have quite a lot of decks, so a new one has to REALLY speak to me for me to spend the money. This one really did. I just love the energy of the art on…

Deck Interview- Osho Zen Tarot

I’m going to be honest here and let you in on a secret. I bought this deck never really thinking I was going to use it that much. I bought it so that I could take pictures for a panel I did on the history of art in tarot, and I thought it was important…

Deck Interview- Crystal Spirits Oracle

My sister loves me A LOT. When I was stressed and freaking out over DragonCon and how to get my tarot presentation done for the Paranormal Track, she noticed that Hay House was having its annual 50% off sale on cards. As it was right before DragonCon, I had $0 to get cards, and I…

Deck Interview- Arcane Bullshit Tarot

This deck was a surprise birthday gift from my A1 best, high-grade Husbear. And I LOVE IT. It was about 7 weeks late, because he backed it as a Kickstarter, but it came at exactly the right time. First, let’s look at the aesthetics. WOW. There are 105 cards, so shuffling this deck is completely…

Magickal Month- December

December is a month of extremes. There’s the cold and chill outside, and the warmth and comfort of our homes, our families, and our friends. There’s the stress and frustration of holiday shopping, finances, parties, etc., and there are the sweet, happy moments of seasonal joy. It can be incredibly difficult for a lot of…

Deck Interview- Spirit de la Lune

This deck has been on my wish list since I first saw it. How can you not love it? The cards are round, beautiful, evocative, and all based on lunar cycles and astrology. I also love that there’s a convention for working with the cards upright, reversed (seen as a blockage in that energy), or…

Magickal Month- November

November was originally the 9th month in the old Roman calendar, but became the 11th month in the updated Julian and Gregorian calendars when January and February were added to the beginning of the year. Here in the Southeastern US, it’s finally getting chilly. We may have a few sunny, warm days here and there,…

Greek ‘smudging’ substitute

So I’ve been thinking a lot about cultural appropriation lately.  I never used to really worry about using sage or palo santo, feeling like I was OK as long as I honored the First Nations tradition of smudging but without trying to claim it as my own.  However, if I’ve learned anything in my practice,…

Deck Interview- The Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle

I’ve been using the Wild Unknown Tarot for almost 2 years now, and it’s quickly become my favorite deck. It’s my personal deck- the one I don’t use to read for anyone else. In fact, it just doesn’t read for anyone else. It gives really confusing, difficult readings when I try to read for others….

My tarot decks for Summer

I haven’t been posting a lot outside of my Magickal Month posts lately. There’s a good reason for that. It’s hot and I don’t wanna. Nyeh! (Actually, I’ve had a lot of other things going on, including Camp NaNoWriMo, a group on Facebook that is meant to facilitate and support making positive changes in life,…

Magickal Month- July

July is the 7th month of the year, named after Julius Caesar because it was his birth month. The ‘Dog Days of Summer’ begin in July as well. They’re associated with the star Sirius “The Dog Star”, which is rumored to bring drought, lethargy, madness, and bad luck with its return to the night sky….

Magickal Month- May

May was named after the Greek Maia, mother of Hermes, and oldest of the Pleiades. In Greece, she was primarily known as a mother archetype, but in the Roman version, she became connected with several other goddesses, including Bona Dea (Good Goddess), Terra (earth), Fauna (prophetic goddess of the woodlands), Magna Mater (Cybele), Ops (an…

Pagan Pentacle tarot reading!

Hi all!  Just offering this new reading in my shop.  This reading will look at where you are on your path, and how best to connect to the energies of each element.  And be sure to use the coupon code SPRING before March 31st for 20% off.  Blessed be!  🙂

My tarot decks for Spring

I love this time of year.  To be clear, I love Winter too, but I’m kind of ready to be done with it for this year.  The natural world around me agrees.  Things are blooming, critters are emerging, birds are singing.  It’s a time for new life, energy, and blossiming in a literal and a…

New past life tarot reading

So if you saw my deck interview post for the Paradoxical Purple Trionfi della Luna deck a few weeks ago, you probably saw that these cards really wanted to talk about the past.  So I did a few test runs of a past life reading, and they resonated for the test subjects!  (Myself included.  These…

My Tarot Decks for Winter

‘Tis the season for long nights, warm drinks, and going within. What could be more perfect for that then lovingly caressing the perfect tarot deck for this introspective time of year? As I mentioned in my post My Tarot Decks for Autumn, I’ve been using a different deck for each month. Celebrating the passage of…

New Year Ahead Tarot Reading!

This reading shows 12 cards, one for each month of the coming year.  The cards will show the pervasive energies for that month, including exciting events, pitfalls to avoid, or even just the theme for the month. This one is really great for people who like to plan their year ahead in late December or…

New reading! Integrating Light and Shadow

As we’re moving into the darker half of the year, I’ve been drawn to do some shadow work.  I love the idea of helping others do their own as well!  This reading shows us our light side (what we show to the world), and our shadow side (what we try to keep hidden), and how…

Now offering tarot subscriptions! 3 months, 3 card readings.

3 months of 3 card readings at a discount from my individual readings!  I will send your reading on the first of every month, starting with the month you choose.  I’ll also touch lightly on some of the major astrological happenings for the upcoming month. Blessed be!  🙂

My tarot decks for Autumn

I love seasonal things.  I love watching the passing of time, and Autumn is such a beautiful time to celebrate the changing of the seasons and how that affects us.  I’m also a little obsessed with having the right things to use for the right occasions.  Hence, my project to have a different tarot deck…

Tarot Reading 101 class at DragonCon

First, to anyone who has been checking here for the presentation, I promise I will post it as soon as possible!  I left my charger for my computer there in the Paranormal track room, and the presentation is obviously on the computer I can’t power up.  Because dork.  But I’m hoping to get it back…

Autumntide Priorities

The days are getting shorter, there’s a nice breeze in the night air, and DragonCon marks the beginning of the end of Summer.  We have Mabon and Samhain to look forward to, which are my two favorite sabbats! While Autumn is usually seen as a time of going within, taking stock, and relaxing into Winter,…

Client Reading for Tulip- August 14, 2017- Eclipse spread

I’ll be offering 3 more of these readings before the solar eclipse on August 21st.  So you have a week to get yours here!  

Client reading for Squirrel August 3, 2017- Chakra Kundalini spread

Would you like to see what one of my client’s video readings looks like?  Take a gander.  (Posted with permission.) Take a look at my Etsy store to see what other readings I offer!  🙂