Smudge spray recipe!

So as part of my Project: Persephone365 doings this month, I’ve started purifying myself every night before bed.  I start by calling back all the energy that I sent out, and giving all the energy that was sent to me back to the people who sent it with love and light.  (Or sending any negativity…

Magickal Month- April

There is some debate on the origin of the word April to describe the fourth month of the Julian calendar. There is evidence that supports the etymological connection to the word ‘aperire’ (meaning to open- as in opening the Spring season), and also a connection to Aphrilis (derived from Aphrodite, as her major festivals took…

Let Govember!

So I was talking to a friend, and we were discussing how we both have a lot of negative energy in our lives.  We talked about how we could both do with a good housecleaning, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  I usually don’t have trouble eliminating negativity from my life in small ways, but sometimes you…

Poem- Clearing/cleansing spell for renewal

Clearing/cleansing spell for renewal Cleaning and clearing, this space I renew. Widdershins I travel, stagnation to undo. I dust and I sweep, I get rid of clutter, To let in new energy, the light of the mother. No more will my life be ruled by these things. I’m ready for new energy the universe now…