Cleansing Magick

This is perhaps the most important magick that any witch can learn. When you’re able to cleanse your space and your life, you’re able to assert control over the energies that have access to you. Perhaps that’s why cleansing is one of the first things that we’re taught as baby witches. Keeping the energies that…

Hyssop and Purification

There are many herbs that can be used for the purposes of purification. But if you practice a European tradition of Paganism, then hyssop is the purification herb for you. This is a great alternative to white sage, which is part of a closed Native American practice, and is being used almost to the point…

Greek ‘smudging’ substitute

So I’ve been thinking a lot about cultural appropriation lately.  I never used to really worry about using sage or palo santo, feeling like I was OK as long as I honored the First Nations tradition of smudging but without trying to claim it as my own.  However, if I’ve learned anything in my practice,…

Smudge spray recipe!

So as part of my Project: Persephone365 doings this month, I’ve started purifying myself every night before bed.  I start by calling back all the energy that I sent out, and giving all the energy that was sent to me back to the people who sent it with love and light.  (Or sending any negativity…

Magickal Month- March

The name March comes from the old Roman Martius, as March was originally dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war and agriculture. As March brought better weather, people started to plan for things like battle and farming- hence Mars. It was originally the first month of the old Roman calendar, and several other cultures…

Let Govember!

So I was talking to a friend, and we were discussing how we both have a lot of negative energy in our lives.  We talked about how we could both do with a good housecleaning, physically, emotionally, mentally, etc.  I usually don’t have trouble eliminating negativity from my life in small ways, but sometimes you…

Poem- Clearing/cleansing spell for renewal

Clearing/cleansing spell for renewal Cleaning and clearing, this space I renew. Widdershins I travel, stagnation to undo. I dust and I sweep, I get rid of clutter, To let in new energy, the light of the mother. No more will my life be ruled by these things. I’m ready for new energy the universe now…