Ostara feast menu

I was going to have better pics, but I used too much Veganaise on the potato salad, and Bear got creative with purple food coloring on the eggless frittata.  We’re still working on tweaking recipes for a book I’m working on called The Vegan Pagan.  🙂 Ostara Feast: * Baby spinach salad with strawberries, mushrooms,…

Spirit Branch pt 2

So we dug through my ribbons, yarns, and beads, created something that was meaningful to each of us, and said a few words as we tied our first offerings on.  Then I lit a candle and some kyphi to enhance the atmosphere for some meditating I want to do later.  The spirit branch is sparse,…

My patron deities- Yemaya (water)

I’ve been thinking a lot about writing about my patron deities.  I have a few, you see.  5 to be exact.  Actually, 6, but one is a special case, and I’ll talk about him last.  They’ve all revealed themselves to me at different times, and I intend to talk about them in that order. My…

Energy Redirection

I’ve been going through a bit of a crisis lately.   The fibro has pretty much changed the way I look at everything.  It made me reexamine how I spend my energy, who I give it to, and what actually feeds me energy back.  I’ve spent the last 2 years getting more weak, feeling less ME….

How fibro feels.

I try not to bitch and whine too much about health stuff here.  Honestly, nobody really wants to know that much detail about the pain that others go through, and who can blame them?  Life is filled with pain and health trouble, so why dwell on it? But here’s the thing.  I tell people that…


Bear is doing a performance with the Atlanta Radio Theater Company tonight, and while they were rehearsing, I walked around and explored the area. …. I also saw 4 crows together again, and several hawks. 🙂

Glogg recipe

This is something I’ve made for years and years.  Be careful drinking it!  It will hit you like a sledgehammer.  A delicious, Swedish, Yuletide sledgehammer. Glogg Heat one bottle dry red wine with one sliced orange, 3/4 cups raisins, 1/2 cup blanched almonds, 6 cardamom pods, 5 cloves, and a cinnamon stick. (spices should be…

Writing Rituals and NaNoWriMo update

NaNoWriMo is going pretty well so far. As of right now, I’m about 3500 words behind on my goal word count for today, but that can be easily made up. Also, I’m going to use this blog post as part of my word count. That may not be strictly legal, but I’m writing and being…

Apple butter from the food goat’s test kitchen

So what screams Autumn more than apples?  Nothing.  Nothing whatsoever. Every year, the bear and I drive to Ellijay, GA and hit up a few of the apple orchards there.  Usually we just come home with some cider to ferment, but this year, I had an idea.  I wanted to make apple butter.  And holy…

Health issues and the drive to have fun, dammit!

So, we recently went through another bout of health scares here in the Ravenson household.  What a great way to pull my head out of my ass and put everything RIGHT back into perspective. Long story long: I went to the ER for chest pains and trouble breathing.  It’s not really new, I’ve been having…

DragonCon debriefing

DragonCon is really my favorite holiday of the year for various reasons.  First, I get to see friends that I don’t see at any other time of year.  And it’s always so familiar and lovely, and I can’t hug them enough when I do see them.  Second, there are amazing writing panels there that really…

Things to let go of.

I’m working on a ritual that I’ll be doing on the new moon on June 8th.  I’m feeling bogged down in everything lately, and I need to let go.  I need to clear my brain so that I can move onto bigger and better.  I’ve internalized a lot of anger and sadness about a lot…


Today was my first day off in a while.. The fibro has been screaming for the past few days due to stress, long hours, and virtually no sleep. I woke up today already hurty and weak. So I decided to keep my goals easy for today: burritos, henna, and kyphi. What I ACTUALLY did was…

Ways to be nicer to myself

Lately I’ve been feeling some pain.  I’m not sure exactly what it is, and I don’t have insurance so finding out will be tough.  I need to get to one of the community clinics here near home, but there are so many hoops to jump through, that the idea just stresses me out. And I…


That’s how you make me feel. Recently, I’ve been spending time with my family.  They most certainly make me feel guarded.  I have to watch everything I say, I have to omit, I have to protect myself and you from their judgment and their spite.  I get tense, I stop smiling so much, I throw…

2013- goals and better luck

In my last post, I vented about all the things that went horribly, horribly wrong last year.  And there was a lot.  It seemed neverending at times. However, I truly am an optimist.  I tend towards stupid optimism, even.  Even when I get truly depressed and feel victimized, I usually come back around and start…

Yule Lads, Julbock, and Liquer recipes

So, a few weeks ago, I decided that we were going to have a damn good Yule, dammit.  And so far, it’s been pretty good.  I decided to make gifts, which has consisted of making liquers and baking goodies.  I also made my mom and sister some scrying incense and scrying candles. THE LIQUERS I…

Yule and mistletoe

So, yeah.  We’re making a go of this incense thing.  I’ve been making incense for the sabbats anyways, and one of my favorite parts is gathering the ingredients.  For Samhain, we gathered fresh cypress needles from a cemetery.  They were LOVELY.  They really made the incense pop. For Yule, we began scanning the landscape for…

Samhain, Rememberance, Yule presents, and NaNoWriMo

Sorry I’ve been quiet.  The death of my ex hit me pretty hard, and I haven’t done a lot of anything, including NaNoWriMo.  I’m at roughly 1900 words, and it’s day 7.  I need to decide to either catch up or give up.  I’m not going to be hard on myself either way, I’m just…

Gathering ingredients for Samhain incense

My husband is lovely.  Simply lovely.  He truly is the best thing in my life.  And when I asked him yesterday if he would like to go to the cemetery with me to gather some ingredients for incense, he didn’t hesitate.  He was even a bit excited for another one of my cemetery adventures. He…

Vine- Character sketch

VINE  (Capricorn) Smells like: Rosewood Patron deity:  It’s a surprise! Color: Green, midnight blue, black Music: World fusion Food: Candy Animal: Toad Number: 8 Tree: Birch Style: Colorful, crafty/punk, leather Domme when she dresses up Eye Color: Grey blue → midnight blue Hair Color: Blue → purple → iridescent black Skin Color: Pale Car: 1995…

Cardinal- bird omens

Yesterday, I was getting dressed, getting ready to start my day.  And as I was doing so, there was a beautiful, bright red cardinal right outside the window next to my pillow.  I usually take bird sightings seriously, especially when they’re so blatant.  He (only the males are that bright) stayed for a few minutes,…

Response to a daily writing prompt- Bells

This daily writing prompt was added as part of the TWWS group on Live Journal.  This was my response.  (To be fair, it took me about 16 minutes.) **************************** Write for ten minutes on the topic: bells.   Trixie rose unsteadily to her feet. She was barefoot, naked, vulnerable. She was used to wearing beautiful…

Scouting locations for my novel

I’m a Georgia girl, through and through.  And so when I first began thinking of my story, I didn’t even think twice about where it would be set.  Granted, it’s in a smaller town than I grew up in, kind of out in the middle of nowhere, compared to the busy suburb of Atlanta that…

Writing critique group- pt. 2

I just sent my short story along to the woman I met at Dragon*Con.  And now the worrying begins.  *shudder* In other writing news, I’ve been using this spreadsheet to keep track of my writing for the year.  I love it!  It has a lot of the features that I love about the NaNoWriMo counter,…

The mythical, fabled ‘writing group’

This is a magical, fantastical thing that I’ve been searching for for quite some time.  And in the ‘Short and Not So Sweet Stories’ panel, Eugie Foster and several other panelists kept stressing the need to find a good critique group. I really have tried.  I looked online, and mostly found writing communities where you…